Sep 30

High Frequency vs. LED: Which One Is Best For My Acne?

If you are here today, you are likely experiencing frustrating breakouts on your skin and looking for an ideal solution to target those concerns.  And, while we know that it is no skin secret that at-home care paired with professional treatments is the BEST way to rid your skin of those cursed blemishes, it still can be difficult to know which acne-specific treatment is best for you. Because we want you to enjoy the soft, bump-free, radiant skin of your dreams, we are sharing the best pro treatments to target your specific acne concerns, helping you to experience the very best results every time we work with you. 

Before we talk about those treatments, though, it is important to understand the different types of acne and what they look and feel like on your skin. 

Let’s break them down:

1.) Surface texture acne can look like a whitehead (clogged pore with very little inflammation), a blackhead (a clogged pore that is open to the air, causing oxidation and the black color), a papule (an inflamed, clogged pore), or a pustule (a pimple containing white or yellow pus). Each of these create “texture” on the surface of your skin.

2.) Inflamed acne is skin that is experiencing nodules and cysts or hardened lumps deep beneath the skin. These bumps are typically red and tender to the touch – meaning they are very painful and last for quite a long time.

Whether you are dealing with surface texture, inflamed acne, or a combination of the two, we have the treatment for you! Each of these pack a powerful punch and work to effectively destroy current acne and prevent future breakouts. 

First, let’s chat about our High Frequency Treatment.  This treatment uses high frequency electrical current to eliminate toxins and acne causing bacteria on the surface of the skin. And, while this tool can be beneficial for all types of acne, we find that it is the most powerful for surface texture acne, helping with that congestion on your skin. 

Next, our LightStim LED Light Therapy uses blue infrared light to kill off acne causing bacteria, reduce redness and irritation, and minimize future breakouts. This treatment is a game changer for those who suffer from painful, inflamed acne as it calms existing breakouts, redness and inflammation all while destroying acne-causing bacteria and minimizing future breakouts.   

These tools can be booked as an independent treatment, but most often our aestheticians will suggest you add them on to a full facial treatment, giving you the best benefit during your service.

So, which is best for my type of acne? 

High Frequency LED 
Pustules x
Nodules x

While we know that a breakout every once in a while is an unfair reality, we never want you to struggle through the frustration and discomfort that come with acne. It is our passion to help you find what works for your skin, and we would love to see you at the studio for a consultation so that we can take a peek at what you are experiencing, and give you treatment and product recommendations that are the perfect fit for you. 

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