Apr 7

5 Skincare Tips for the Mama-To-Be

Who are my mommas (or mamas-to-be) out there! 

Gosh, what an exciting time it is for you as you prepare to welcome a new little member to your family. As a mama-to-be myself, I am right here with you and love that I can connect with you all on this wildly amazing journey! 

Today, I wanted to share some tips and tricks I have learned along the way to love on my skin during pregnancy and give myself the extra love and care! 

  1. Don’t Skimp On the H2O 

If you want your skin to radiate during pregnancy and postpartum, drinking water is the ticket. Hydration is essential to a gorgeous glow, and truth be told, your baby is enjoying all that goodness while they are snuggled inside your belly. This means that if you want that water to make it to the skin’s surface, you really do have to drink up — likely more than you would if you weren’t pregnant or nursing. 

The best tips I have for getting in enough water intake for your baby, you and your skin are: 

  • Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Often, just having that water bottle with me is the reminder I need to sip throughout the day.
  • Get yourself some flavored water or Liquid IV. Giving your water a little life with a different flavor makes it so much more fun and easy to get that water intake in. 
  1. Keep Your Routine Simple 

One of the best tricks that I have for the mamas and mamas-to-be out there is create a simple day-to-day routine that you love. When considering which ingredients would be best for your skin during this time, I always suggest focusing on ingredients that will nourish and hydrate as pregnancy and post-partum can bring about a lot of changes to your skin. Giving your skin those loving ingredients will help it transition beautifully in each and every stage of your mama journey. I also love that creating a simple routine throughout pregnancy makes skincare more manageable when you have a little babe to take care of! 

  1. Treat Yourself to a Monthly Facial  

While having a simple routine at home is great for mom-life, pampering yourself and enjoying some skin luxury is also so important as well. Monthly facials are a perfect way to self-care while also supporting your skin as it is going through so many changes during pregnancy and postpartum. Working alongside an esthetician is the perfect way to protect and care for your beautiful skin, ensuring it is getting exactly what it needs through each and every stage.   

  1. Find Ways to Ground and Center Yourself 

In this season, your body and mind are going through so many changes. While most of the changes are exciting and filled with anticipation, preparing for the arrival of your little one and the changes that the baby brings when they come earthside require a lot of energy and time. Finding a routine that grounds and centers you will support you and your skin so much, sweet mama. 

Some of my favorite ways to do this are:

  • Taking a relaxing bath while listening to a favorite podcast 
  • A morning stretch or mini yoga session to care for my body and mind
  • Meditation and daily affirmations
  • An evening walk 
  1. Fill Your Body With Nourishment 

Lastly, love on your body and your skin by nourishing it with fresh, nutrient rich foods. While you can’t control all of the hormonal changes that are occurring inside of your body during pregnancy and postpartum, supporting your skin with foods from the earth will give you what you need to enjoy a gorgeous glow. 

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